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College Expectations / College Bucket List

So it is August 4th 2017, I have 19 days until I am officially a college student. I mean I am officially a college student but I have 19 days until I move in and I felt like this was the perfect big post to do to discuss my expectations and a small little bucket list for this upcoming year!

For my expectations I just want to say I expect new friendships and new bonds with new people. After being in my home town for so long I am ready for some new vibes basically. I'm tired of the same thing over and over again. I need a new setting, something new to do. I feel like as soon as I start college it will be the beginning of my life! I get to make every single day count the way that I want it too and I'm so excited for that. Im ready to start shaping my future. I expect a few bumps in the road because that is simply how life is but I don't think I will be faced with anything that I can not handle because I have been so determined to do my best in everything I participate in. For this upcoming year I expect nothing but new beginnings and experiences. New chances and just basically a fresh start and I feel like that is how everyone feels when they first start college.

College Bucket List:
1. Join clubs that I wouldn't expect I would try 
2. Go to a party 
3. Create a vlog 
4. City day with my roommates 
5. Host a event 
6. Get a on campus job 
7. Get my license 
8. Start a Youtube 
9. Attend all Purchase College Events 
10. Donate to a charity 
11. Create a campaign 
12. Write in the newspaper for the campus 
13. Feature on the Radio Station 

This list will begin to grow as I start my days at school. I will do an updated College Bucket List so that you guys can see what I have added and what I had the opportunity to complete! 

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