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Until Later

"Distance is a state of mind. If you're best friends, you always will be no matter where you are in the universe." 
- Earth to Echo 

Any relationship that is long distance is going to be difficult. This year I graduated with my best friends that have been by my side since 6th grade. And now it is officially time for us to separate and start making our own paths and it is honestly the most difficult time. Especially because we are so used to having each other so close just incase we need each other. So at this moment we have to start learning how to deal with a long distance friendship between the five of us. It's going to be difficult but I believe we are going to be able to get through it because we aren't just best friends we are honestly sisters. Because through everything they have alway been there and there is no way I could've done it without them! 

So in honor of us splitting I am gonna give you guys some tips and tricks to keep these friendships going no matter how far you are: 
1. Communication: this is important in any relationship far away or close. You need to be able to speak to the person without an issue. If you miss the person just pick up the phone and call them; you guys are in a relationship for a reason they are always going to be there for you. 
2. Don't over think: this is bad, don't do it. It can create something that was never there, just because your friend doesn't call you everyday doesn't mean they don't care about you anymore. Everyone has their own schedule and if you want to talk just pick up the phone and give them a call. Sometimes they might not have time. 
3.  Schedule a specific time to talk: Make time to actually sit down and talk to each other, this will be a time that you guys are able to look forward too and spill the tea to each other just like if you guys were home together. 
4. Send Letters / Care packages : I know some people might not be able to do this one but it would be nice to give it a try. Imagine your having a bad day and you open your mail box and find a random letter from your bestfriend. I know during these days nobody really sends letters anymore, but that letter would be able to be used as a pick me up and your best friend will never even know its coming it would be a surprise. 

I think the best advice that can be given is just keep in contact because you weren't friends for so long for no reason. That person was there for you during everything and they always will be. Yes, you can make new friends but never replace your best friends. 
