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Showing posts from August, 2017

Until Later

"Distance is a state of mind. If you're best friends, you always will be no matter where you are in the universe."  - Earth to Echo  Any relationship that is long distance is going to be difficult. This year I graduated with my best friends that have been by my side since 6th grade. And now it is officially time for us to separate and start making our own paths and it is honestly the most difficult time. Especially because we are so used to having each other so close just incase we need each other. So at this moment we have to start learning how to deal with a long distance friendship between the five of us. It's going to be difficult but I believe we are going to be able to get through it because we aren't just best friends we are honestly sisters. Because through everything they have alway been there and there is no way I could've done it without them!  So in honor of us splitting I am gonna give you guys some tips and tricks to keep these f

It Matters, You Matter

"There will be days where life does not throw you any type of curve ball. No helping hands, no guiding lights, no hidden signs, nothing. You are in it on your own, and you have to dins your way out of the situations you are in. Where at first glance this is misleading, it is nothing but a reminder of how strong and capable you are. You can get yourself out of anything, you can fight until there is no fight left , your intuition is your guide. You can stand tall in any situation. You are strong."  - guiding light by Amy Kennedy  Starting off with such a strong quote like that is something that I thought was perfect for this post. In this type of life we have to all be able to be strong in order to survive and get through everything that is thrown at us. Not everyone has the ability to be this strong, there are often times where individuals feel as though they cannot keep going. You may know a person who knows a person who feels this way, you may personally know this

Quotes to live by, read or just to enjoy

1. "Walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain or make sense of it. It's your life. Do what makes you happy."                                                                                                                   - Unknown  2. "Whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it. Take a deep breath, stay positive and know that things will get better."  3. "Don't stress over what you can't control. Just let it be and focus on being happy."  4. "Fall in love with somebody who will never let you go to sleep wondering if you still matter"                                                                                                                 - Unknown 5. "Some do drugs, others go for a run , but at the end  we're all just searching for that tiny space, perhaps a hole, that gives us shelter from the terrible reality of the world"  6. "The surest way to

College Expectations / College Bucket List

So it is August 4th 2017, I have 19 days until I am officially a college student. I mean I am officially a college student but I have 19 days until I move in and I felt like this was the perfect big post to do to discuss my expectations and a small little bucket list for this upcoming year! For my expectations I just want to say I expect new friendships and new bonds with new people. After being in my home town for so long I am ready for some new vibes basically. I'm tired of the same thing over and over again. I need a new setting, something new to do. I feel like as soon as I start college it will be the beginning of my life! I get to make every single day count the way that I want it too and I'm so excited for that. Im ready to start shaping my future. I expect a few bumps in the road because that is simply how life is but I don't think I will be faced with anything that I can not handle because I have been so determined to do my best in everything I participate i

What inspired me to start blogging?

Answering this question is simple. Ever since I was younger my family would refer to me as "Diane Sawyer" because I was always spilling some tea that I wasn't supposed to. I constantly would deliver the news I heard and from there I knew I was going to try to be a journalist. My road to this goal started in middle school, where I took my first journalism classes and I was so excited! So from there in high school I was very much involved with the journalism classes that were offered I couldn't hold back. Now I am about to start my first year of college as a Journalism major and there aren't words that can describe how excited I am. So why did I start a blog ? My answer is simply WHY NOT! I love to write and take pictures and blogging let's me do just that! So what inspired me to start blogging is my dream to become a journalist. 💜


Hi! Im Shanelle you can call me shay or nell or whatever you prefer. I am beyond excited to start blogging I have tried before but gave up, BUT this time I plan to stick with it. I look forward to posting about a whole bunch of different things like: movies, news, photography, music, fashion and so much more! Stick around, get comfortable :)